Guarding Your Ideas with Super Searches!
About us
Take the first step to trademark registration with FireCastle, it begins with a super-powered search! Our approach to trademarks isn't just about getting registered; it's about making sure your ideas are secure and clear for takeoff. We provide you with a detailed search to prevent the common pitfalls of registration, ensuring that your trademark application is not just another attempt, but a guaranteed stride towards success. Let us be your shield in the trademark arena!
OUR Mission
Client-based, Customer-oriented trademark services. No bots. No call centers. No blackholes.
OUR experience
With over 20 years of experience as a U.S.-based patent and trademark attorney, Ross Brandborg takes pride in helping clients secure their brands. He has successfully handled over 1,000 trademark filings since 2018 and completed more than 1,500 trademark searches. His strong background in engineering, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering emphasizing Chemistry, further enhances his ability to serve his clients effectively.
Ross is known for his approachability and dedication to making his clients' experiences both enjoyable and uncomplicated. We prefer to be transparent with our pricing, pricing most jobs on a flat-fee basis rather than hourly billing, which most client's budgets appreciate.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions—we would be happy to answer.
our results
Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.
- Simpsons 1992